Storyboard Your Way To Success (Module 21)
“If you think it, then ink it, then it will get done.” Very few sales people actually take the time to put together a solid action plan to improve sales and services. The main reason is that planning often becomes too complicated and boring. Module 21 is designed so that participants can put an overall plan of action together that captures the main ingredient of all other 20 modules. This tried and proven system is the one that helped thousands of business owners, managers, and sales executives move from ideas to action on Bill Gibson’s Business Owner Development Programmes In Canada. Participants will develop a plan of the projects and actions they will do to improve sales skills, utilise time better, give better customer service, and improve themselves personally. 12 different valuable uses, several templates and samples, with dozens of innovative concepts on how to increase the success of developing a “selling organisation” and a “10 point guide” on how to follow through on plans. A great tool for sales managers to manage with.