Storyboard Your Way to Success (Module 38)

Very few salespeople actually take time to put together a solid action plan to improve sales and services. The main reason is that planning often becomes too complicated and boring. This module is designed to enable a salesperson to utilize an overall plan of action that captures the main ingredients of all the other modules.
This is a simple, tried and proven planning system that has helped hundreds of business owners,  managers and sales executives move from Ideas to Action in Bill Gibson’s Business Owner Development Programmes in Canada, and hundreds of Business Owners and Sales Executives and Managers in South Africa and parts of the world.

Upon completion the students will be able to:

Build their own Personal Sales Improvement Storyboard laying out all of the actions they will implement for sales development and personal improvement in the next 12 months. (They will utilize their 30 Minute Snapshot to define some of the areas they need improvement in. This is transferred to the storyboard.)
Use the Storyboard as a flow chart
Utilise the 10 Point Guide on Making it Happen” that ensures implementation and sustainability of their improvement programme.