Bill Gibson, International Speaker, Author and Trainer

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For over 30 different topics and Bill Gibson’s Full Speaker Bio Click Here

Here’s What Five Great Authors Say About Bill Gibson And His Programs:

“The most inspiring, amazing and comprehensive Sales, Business Development and Marketing Programs on the planet. Wow!” – Dr. John Demartini, Bestselling Author of “How to Make One Hell of A Profit and Still Get to Heaven”, “The Riches Within”, “The Breakthrough Experience” and contributing author to “The Secret”

“I highly recommend the things you write, the things you say and the ideas you generate. Talk about practicing what you preach! You are a world-class practitioner.” – Jay Conrad Levinson, Author, “Guerrilla Marketing”, “Guerrilla Marketing Attack”

“Bill Gibson has more solutions than you and I have problems. Listen well and all your problems will turn into profitable opportunities.” – Dennis Waitley, Author, “The Psychology of Winning” “The Seeds Of Greatness Treasury”, “Being The Best” and contributing author to “The Secret”

“Bill Gibson’s material is the kind of information America needs to hear. We can all benefit from listening and applying the principles he outlines.”
– Dr. Wayne Dyer, Author, “The Sky’s the Limit”, “The Power of Intention” and “Change Your Life”

“Anyone sincerely interested in being more effective should listen to this programme and apply it at every opportunity. It may be the very best compilation of practical ideas ever assembled.” – Brian Tracy, Author “The Psychology of Achievement” “Personal Achievement” and “Mastering Your Time”

Shane Gibson, International Speaker, Author and Trainer

Shane Gibson Speaker Bio


Shane Gibson is an international speaker, and author who has addressed over 100,000 people over the past sixteen years on stages in North America, Southern Africa and South America. He is in high demand as a keynote speaker on the topics of social media and sales performance.

As a trainer, coach and speaker Shane combines a diverse background in sales force leadership, new entrepreneur development and social media marketing to develop unique presentations and solutions for his clients.

Blogging since 2002, and podcasting since 2004 Shane drives the majority of his business from social media, and social networks. He has been published in numerous publications as an authority on the topics of leadership, marketing, social media, and sales performance. Some of these publications include CMA Magazine, the Financial Post, the Globe and Mail and Profit Magazine.

Watch Shane Gibson Live in Santiago Chile Speaking on Social Media Marketing:

Shane’s speaking and training clients that he has worked with include: Ford, CMA Canada, The Vancouver Board of Trade, Ford Motor Company, HUB International, Seminarium Colombia, Seminarium Chile,, the Sauder School of Business, the University of British Columbia, Canaccord Financial and hundreds of entrepreneurs, individual sales people and marketers over the past 16 years. When he’s not working or tweeting you can find Shane hiking or skiing in British Columbia’s Coast Mountain range with his family.

For Shane Gibson’s List of Topics, Sample Speaking, and Full Bio Click Here