Launching Your “Be Seen” Program (Module 28)
No amount of advertising will substitute for EXPERIENCING THE REAL THING – that’s why “word of mouth” advertising is so powerful.
The objective of the BE SEEN programme is to have clients, potential clients and the market in general have an experience with you through meeting you, seeing you, reading about you and hearing about you. An effective positive BE SEEN program can give you dominion over a marketplace. That is when the business starts coming to you and you don’t have to continually chase after clients the whole time. The content includes the “how to’s” of writing articles, newsletters and even publications. In addition, tactics for identifying key people who have influence and are respected by your target market and setting up a win-win “be seen” program through association with that person. In addition the following will be thoroughly covered: How to capitalize and influence with strategic alliances; Being a spokesperson and an expert; Winning personal awards and community recognition; Taking a newsworthy approach to maximizing your relationships and marketing tactics.
Upon completion the students will be able to: