Identifying the Right Clients and the Right Markets (Module 22)

Identifying the right clients and the right markets are a vital part of prospecting and retaining and developing existing clients. In this module, students will learn “Why they need to prospect continually.” They will also learn how to put together a prospecting plan and follow it. In addition they will be exposed to the value of working market segments and how to decide on what segments to focus on. As a “lead on” from Module 21, they will develop criteria for categorizing clients under AAA, AA, A, B and C. in specific industries.

Upon completion the students will be able to:

Identify 5 top market segments they will focus on in specific types of selling
Develop a Prospecting Plan and utilize their own Prospecting Pool to build a Prospect List.
Identify 10 excellent Referral Sources that could provide valuable leads and referrals.
Utilise the 4 step process to decide what criteria to use to identify the best prospects, clients, referral sources and distributors.