Closing the Sale (Module 19)
Closing the sale or the next step forward is easy…providing you have established a trustworthy relationship with the customer at the beginning, matched their needs with the benefits you offer and recognized the buying signals at the right time and have given real assistance during the sales and buying process. In this module, students will learn to recognize verbal and non-verbal closing signals, know when to close and utilize 17 different ways to close the sale or next step forward. They will also be tutored on confirming that the customer’s needs have been met.
Upon completion the students will be able to:
1. Alternative Close
2. Assumed Close
3. Minor Decision Close
4. Courtesy Close “Silent Principle”
5. Direct Close
6. Puppy Dog Close
7. Urgency Close
8. “Shut Up” Principle Close
9. Bonus Close
10. Objection Close
11. Use of Terms Close
12. Balance Sheet Close
13. Third Party Close
14. Summary Close
15. Similar Situation Close
16. Empathy Close
17. Consultant Close